Amenities M - Z

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Buying amenities from the warden at the Wardens Office or at the Open Market Amenities, will give you items that you can use to boost any and all stats permanently. These will only work if equipped in your cell.

Any amenities that you buy from the open market or win in a lottery can be stolen in a cell raid, however ones bought direct from the warden or special events cannot be stolen.

Cell Presets

You can set and load cell presets to quickly configure your cell for specific tasks. There are three buttons above your cell layout that assist in this:

The Floppy Disc: This saves a cell preset, allowing you to save which items are currently in your cell and their positions to a name (for example, "training cell")

The Up-Arrow: This button allows you to load one of these presets.

The X: This one will empty your cell.

Your Amenities

Clicking on any amenity in your cell will show its stats below the layout and allows you to remove the selected amenity. Likewise clicking the "use" or "sell" button below the amenity that is in holding, at the bottom, will allow you to equip or sell it respectively.

Amenities are separated into two diffrent catagories.

  • Protected Amenites, These amenities are bought from the warden, rather that be from the warden office, firesale, or through special events (i.e. Joe). These amenites are ammune to being raided.
  • Normal Amenities, These amenities are bought through the Open Market and are not protected against raiders. In order for a Normal Amenity to be raided it has to be loaded into the cell.

Normal Amenities can be protected at a cost.

5 of X amenity to protect a very common.

3 of X amenity to protect a common.

100 favors to protect a uncommon amenity.

200 favors to protect a rare amenity.

250 favors to protect a very rare amenity.

300 favors for a almost unique amenity.

All Amenities

21 Jump Street, Incompetent cops always cheer you up,but don't let guards get wind of your mockery.
+8% energy
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell

3 Musketeers, Even adding a fourth with some tittays didn't help this flop.
+3% strength, +3% defense, +3% speed
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell

4-leaf Clover, 4 X 2 = 1 new backpack slot!
+2% stamina
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, A little bit patriotic. A little bit gothic. Celebrate the USA!
+16 hp, +6% energy, +1 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
After Life, Zombies are slow, but extremely hard to kill. Sure this movie won't likely have any, but let's just pretend.
-1% speed, +1% hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Air Purifier, Breathe free... deep breath... ahhhh
+15% hp, +5% energy
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Alan Wake, Are you afraid of the dark?
+5% speed, +5% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
American Flag, Salute your troops!
+1% hp, +1 nerve
You are allowed to have 5 of these in your cell
American Histoy X, One of the most brutal and telling movies of our time.
+5% strength, +1 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Avatar: The Last Airbender, How appropriate it's one of the last bootlegs.
+2000 hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Baby Simba, His cries of rage will alert the guards to anyone attempting to break in.
• 10% chance of crying before raided
• 15% chance of crying if cell is raided
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Bad Teacher, I’d eat her apple any day… wait… no homo?
+15% hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Bag of Coal, Someone was naughty this year.
-10% strength, -20% speed, -2% hp, +20% energy, -10% nerve, +5 stamina
You are allowed to have 5 of these in your cell
Barbell, Damn, these things are HEAVY! Very useful for high-intensity strength training.
+16% strength, +4% defense, +2 energy
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Battleship, Based on the popular board game! Yeah, for serious.
+10% defense, -5% speed
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Bed with Mattress, Slightly less hard since you've got this musty-ass mattress on it.
-5% defense, +1 speed, +5 energy, +2 stamina
You are allowed to have 4 of these in your cell
Bible, Are you ready for rapture?
+10% hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Block Cake, Celebrate 1 year since the rebirth of Prison Block (7/16/09)! I'd hang on to this cake if I were you...
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Block Bowl 2011 Trophy, Go Slackers! Underrated and showing all the stealer fans who’s boss!
+10% defense, +2% speed, +15 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Block Bowl 2012 Trophy, Go Vagiants! Uhn. Uhnn. YEAAAH!
+5% defense, +5% speed, +15 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Blowup Doll, Nightly workouts with this thing is sure to build your stamina.
-3 energy, +5 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Blue Candle , TWO! TWO Blue Candles! AH! AH! AH!
+2 stamina
You are allowed to have 26 of these in your cell
Bluray Player, Watching martial arts movies in Hi-Def can step your fighting game up, but being so distracted can't be good for keeping an eye out for an attack!
+20 strength, -10 speed
You are allowed to have 10 of these in your cell
Brave, A battle princess? ... If that's what you're into.
+3% strength, +3% speed, +5% hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Bookcase, Seems to be filled with martial arts books.
+20% defense, +5% speed, +15% nerve
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Box O' Mysteries, Your coalz be safe, I just wanna seez!
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Box of Chocolates, Nothing like an affectionate gift to raise your spirits -- is that a nail file?
+150 hp, +2 energy
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Box O’ Parts, a box containing 6 random parts.
• Equip to open
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Boxing With The Stars, Learn moves from the best! Or at least the most popular!
+1 stamina
You are allowed to have 10 of these in your cell
Boxing With The Stars HD, Get yo Tae-Bo on in stunning HD!
+5% strength, +2 stamina
You are allowed to have 3 of these in your cell
Bride Doll, A souviner for your travels.
+15% hp, +15 stamina
• Join Bride & Groom for 1 backpack slot
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Bulldog, A bit of a heftier bark, sure to paint the pants of any intruder a muddy brown.
+5% defense
• 10% chance of scaring off cell raider
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Cars 2, VROOM. that is all.
+12% speed, +10% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
CD Changer, Hook this sucker into your stereo system for max effect!
+150 hp, +2 energy
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
CD Player, Don't get caught in the yard with your headphones on... or the shower for that matter.
-1% defense, -5% speed, +5% energy
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Checkers, Not exactly Chess but this does require SOME degree of patience stamina.
+5 stamina
You are allowed to have 4 of these in your cell
Cheech & Chong's Hey Watch This, 4/20 is upon us. Let's spark one up and celebrate with the kings of this shit.
-10% energy, +10 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Chess Set, This is for the patient thinker. Requires mucho mental stamina.
+10 Stamina
You are allowed to have 3 of these in your cell
Chef hat, Proof that you know your way around the kitchen.
+5 Nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Chihuahua, Has more bark than bite, but should do the trick.
+3% defense
• 5% chance of scaring off cell raider
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Christmas Tree, Santa's an asshole and hid all the menoras.
+10% defense, +15% energy
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Clash of the Titans, More action than a PFCWhite Klan rally! It's too bad you didn't get this epic shit on a big screen!
+1 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Crib, We don't have a day care here, so you'll need this if you want a spot for your illegitimate children.
-3 defense, +3 energy, +1 stamina
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Coffee Press, It’s a bit small, but will be good for a cup or two.
+10 energy, -10% stamina
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Computer Chair, Ah, a nice plush surface to rest your cheeks on... that won't stick it's tongue in your asshole.
+25 stamina
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Dancing Chili Pepper, Happy Cinco De Mayo CHA CHA CHA!
+5% hp, +2 energy, +5 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Date Night, Rumor has it the starring actors are actually mizpeg and 6566. Smooches.
+1 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Dead Rising 2 (PS3) , Chuck takes over from Frank West and battles hoardes of dead. Scared mofo?
+5% speed, +500 hp +5% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360) , Chuck takes over from Frank West and battles hoardes of dead. Scared mofo?
+5% speed, +500 hp +5% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Dead Rising 2 Bundle, Curious what’s inside? Buy Me!
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Death at a funeral, Since when did death become comedy? Shit, since laughing is so good for the soul, beat the shit out of the next prisoner you see.
+500 strength
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Diablo III, The most anticipated game of 2012! Hours upon hours of demon slaying action!
+10% hp, +10% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Dumbbells, A set of 2 dumbbells. Useful as a weapon as well as strength training.
+8% strength, +2% defense, +1 energy
You are allowed to have 5 of these in your cell
DVD Player, Comes with a Tae-Bo DVD!
+5 defense, +5 speed
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Easter Basket, Loaded with all sorts of goodies!
+10% stamina
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Easter Baskette, This year, the rabbits downsizing.
+1% energy, +5% stamina
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Electric Razor, Safeguarded blades mean not only will you not be cutting other inmates, but you won't be slitting your own throat when you realize there's a Gay in your Closet .
+1000 hp
You are allowed to have 26 of these in your cell
Elephant Plushie, Aww how cute! it squeaks when you step on it.
+1% hp
• Adds 4 backpack slots You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Empty Bong, Take - take - take it to the head!
+5% energy, +10 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Exercise Bike, Shed some lbs and raise your stamina.
+2 energy, +6 stamina
You are allowed to have 3 of these in your cell
False Advertising #2, Be for real, you're just watching this to be able to better recognize trannies in prison right? RIGHT?
+2% speed, +5 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Family Photo, A photo of your family back home. It gives you strength and courage.
+5% strength, +4 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Fast Five, There’s a dirty joke somewhere in that title…
+20% strength, +5 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Father's Day Wallet, The kind of leather wallet you might send to your old man on Father's Day. There might be something inside.
• What's inside? Open it already!
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Fireworks, Perfect for a distraction if you need to bail a buddy out of isolation! add to cell to set them off, One time use only.
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Flat Screen TV, Perfect to watch your movies in HD!
+3 energy, +5% nerve, -10% stamina
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Footloose, Bursting out in dance is random is indecent in anyone other than Sangriax
+5 nerve, +5 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Friday the 13th, Slow and steady gets the kill.
+5% strength, -10% speed, +10% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Furry Vengeance, I knew letting those goddamn groundhogs into the prison was going to backfire.
+5% speed, +1 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Get Him to the Greek, Greek... What an ironic title... for a prison... Sex is sex right?
+10 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Will fill you with the spirit of Vengeance. May also cause spontaneous head combustion.
+10% strength, +10% hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Green Lantern, I vow… to kick ass!
+10% strength, +10% defense, +10% speed, +10% hp, +10% energy, +10 nerve, +10 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Green Unicorn Plushie, So bright, and gay!
+25 defense, +2 stamina
You are allowed to have 8 of these in your cell
Groom Doll, A souviner for your travels.
+15% hp, +15 stamina
• Join Bride & Groom for 1 backpack slot
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Grown Ups, I'm a man, MAN!
+5% strength
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Groundhog, This little guy is pretty pissed he surfaced in a prison instead of a lush green field somewhere.
+10% hp, +5 energy
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
GO Teabaggers!, Support your favorite team for this year's Block Bowl!
+5 nerve, +2 stamina
• Adds 1 backpack slot You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
GO Vagiants!, Support your favorite team for this year's Block Bowl!
+5 nerve, +2 stamina
• Adds 1 backpack slot You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Golden Egg, Oo, shiny. Who'da thought a solid gold egg would be so heavy?
• Don't use till Easter
Gulliver’s Travels, Jack’s dumb, he’s the biggest kid in the yard and he lets them do him dirty?
+1000 strength
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Halo 3, Plug in, Shield on!
+10% hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Halo: Reach, Bungie's last offering. The Warden would rather you kill each other digitally than in the yard.
+5% defense, +5% hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Halo: Reach Legendary Bundle, Packed with everything you need to get your hardcore gaming on.
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Harry Brown, Full of kickass win!
+10 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Harry Potter & The Sorcerer’s Stone, Let the magic (or gayness) begin!
+1500 hp, +3 energy
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets, Not to be confused with Hanako’s chamber of… well, you know.
+5 energy
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban, Seriously… chocolate?
+5 energy, +10 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire, Dragons and spiders are hot bitches oh my!
+10% strength, +10% defense, +10% speed
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Harry Potter & The Order of The Phoenix, Spoiler, someone dies.
-80% hp, +15 nerve, +65 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince, Will Harry ever learn to close his mind? Will dac00kiemonster ever keep his cheeks closed?
+28% defense, -15 energy
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt1, So… much… ANGST!
+25% hp, +30 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt2, Neither can live while the other survives.
+95% defense, -95% hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Hot Tub, The only downside to this is that you know Big Bubba is gonna wanna bathe with you.
+10% hp, +4 energy
You are allowed to have 3 of these in your cell
Hot Tub Time Machine, A hot tub in a prison? No homo!
+1 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
HOP, Bubba will neither confirm nor deny the accuracy of this film.
+5% strength, +5% defense, +5% speed
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Horrible Bosses, All the movie is missing is the NJ Warden.
+3000 strength, +5500 defense, +5000 speed, +1 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
How to train your dragon, ...and by dragon, we don't mean your 3mm snake.
+1 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
In My Sleep, You should totally use the sleepwalking line next time you "wake up" on top of hanako.
+1 nerve, +5% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Iron Man 2, Seriously, does this epitome of badassness need a description?
+5% strength, +5% defense, +5% speed, +10% hp, +5 energy, +10% nerve, +5% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Iron Man 2 - IMAX, What's better than sleek metal war suits, big explosions, hot cars and bawller gadgets? All that in IMAX that's what!
+10% strength, +10% defense, +10% speed, +20% hp, +10 energy, +15% nerve, +10% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Jack O'Lantern, Happy Halloween!
+5 nerve
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Jonah Hex, A movie with Megan Fox means we'll be low on tissues and towels for the next few days.
+5% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
The Joneses, Keeping up with them is like keeping up with ThyWhiskeyMan in a drinking contest.
+5% Max Bank Deposit
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Just Wright, Let's be honest, you're not going to watch this shit... I slipped a skin flick inside.
+3% speed, +3% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Kick Ass, What a perfect fucking title. This one goes out to biglou for inventing Friday Night KICKASS!
+10% strength, +10% hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Killers, Sure it's a chick flick, but it stars a hot chick... with guns. Cammon!
+500 strength
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Kinect, Could probably double as a security camera for your cell, but you’ll be too busy dancing to leave it anyways.
+5% hp, +10 energy, +5% stamina
You are allowed to have one of these in your cell
Knight & Day, You know... I really just don't have a clever description for this. So fuck Canada.
+10 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Kung Fu Panda 2, After this, were fully expecting inmates gouging on food and running the halls with bandana’s made from pillow cases.
+5% strength, +5% defense, +5% speed, +5% hp, -25 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
L.A. Noire (PS3) , Being a detective takes patience. It means painstakingly going over clues and following trails. Got the stamina for the long haul?
+15 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
L.A. Noire (XBOX) , Being a detective takes patience. It means painstakingly going over clues and following trails. Got the stamina for the long haul?
+3 nerve, +15 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Large Gift, Don't open 'til Christmas!
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Leap Year, Ancient Chinese Riddle: If she only celebrates a birthday every 4 years, is she underage?
+4% defense, +4% speed, +4% hp, +4% nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Leprechaun In Da Hood, One of these movies you have to laugh, otherwise the WTF-factor will overpower all your senses.
+1% strength, +1% defense, +1% speed, +1% hp, +1% energy, +1% nerve, +1% stamina
• Small amount of cash added/removed from cell, higher risk of confiscation
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Leprechaun Back 2 Da Hood, I know what your thinking… Yes, they DID in fact make another one… and as always it never lives up to the first.
+2 strength, +2 defense, +2 speed, +2 energy, +2 nerve, +2 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Leprechaun in Space, Yeah, this exists. It's like Aliens. With a Leprechaun.
+1% strength, +1% defense, +1% speed, +2 hp, +1% energy, +2 nerve, +2 stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Little Fockers, You’ll need a lot of energy to keep up with kids of this heritage.
+5% energy
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Letters to Juliet, Keeping up with them is like keeping up with ThyWhiskeyMan in a drinking contest .
+2 energy, +1 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Lion Cub, He's got a big roar for such a tiny guy.
• 10% chance of scaring off cell raider
• 5% chance of biting a cell raider through the bars
• 10% chance of biting successful raiders
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Lump of Coal, Santa spreads these around the north pole like breadcrumbs.
-3% strength, -2% speed, -1% hp, +5% energy, -2% nerve, +2 stamina
You are allowed to have 5 of these in your cell
MacGruber, The true story of a man devoted to thwart my plans of world domination. In real life, he failed.
+3 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Maracas, When you shake them, they make a soothing noise. To you, anyway.
+10% Energy, +5% nerve
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Marmaduke, No. You still can't have pets here. I don't care how cute and talkative.
+3 Energy, +1 nerve
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Marvel vs Capcom 3 (PS3) , Only adrenaline junkies need apply.
+10% speed, +10% energy
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Marvel vs Capcom 3 (XBOX) , Only adrenaline junkies need apply.
+10% speed, +10% energy
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Megaslayer CD, Crazy amp-you-the-fuck-up music.
+5 nerve
You are allowed to have 5 of these in your cell
Men in Black 3, Protect your cell from aliens and time-travelers with these helpful tips.
+5% defense, +5% hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Metal Fan, Affectionately nick-named the "finger-flinger".
+10 energy, -5 nerve
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Microwave Oven, Top of the line sexiness for all your quick-meal needs!
+5% strength, -15% hp, +20% energy
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Mini-Fridge, Pre-stocked with some tasty beverages.
+10% defense, +2 energy, +5% stamina
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Miss Sexy Bunny Poster, The other bunnies ain't got nothin' on this!
+4 energy, +5 nerve, +5% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Modern Sofa, Modern is a relative term.
+5 energy, +15 stamina
You are allowed to have 2 of these in your cell
Mortal Combat (PS3) , Having such a violent game in a prison is just asking for trouble… Hey is that Kratos?
+8% strength, +1500 hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Mortal Combat (XBOX) , Having such a violent game in a prison is just asking for trouble… Hey is that Kratos?
+8% strength, +1500 hp
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Mother's Day Flowers, Aww, how special... wait, is that a get out of jail free card attached?
Equip to leave isolation - one time use only!
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell
Mu Cake, Om Nom Nomz! No nomz? MOAR NOMZ!
+5% strength, +2% defense, +8% speed, +528 hp, +5% energy, +2% nerve, +8% stamina
You are allowed to have 1 of these in your cell