Your Character

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When you sign up to PrisonBlock, you will have a character with some basic stats and attributes. The basic attributes are as follows:




As you progress through the game and earn experience you'll level up. Your level determines who you can attack and which prison you can move to. Your current level is shown to the right of your avatar.


HP, traditionally short for Health or Hit Points, is a representation of how much health you have, and how much you can possibly have.

Your HP goes down when you are hit in battle. You lose a battle when your HP hits 0. You can increase your max HP by leveling up.

Energy (NRG)

Performing certain actions (like battles) requires energy. You can think of it as your power to act. Without energy, you can not do many of the actions needed to move ahead in the game.

Energy is usually displayed as ##/##. The number to the left of the backslash indicates how much energy you currently have, while the number to the right indicates the total amount of energy you can have. There are ways in the game to increase your max energy, such as Cell Amenities and leveling up. When using amenities to increase your max Nerve and when working with percentages, it is always on top of Base Stats which doesn't include bonuses from any amenities

Replenishing Energy: 10% of your energy is replenished every 5 minutes (20% for Respected Prisoners). You may also replenish energy with various Items.

Nerve (NRV)

Performing certain actions (like battles, mugging and some Flash Games) requires nerve.

Nerve is usually displayed as ##/##. The number to the left of the backslash indicates how much nerve you currently have, while the number to the right indicates the total amount of nerve you can have. There are ways in the game to increase your max nerve, such as Amenities and leveling up. When using amenities to increase your max Nerve and when working with percentages, it is always on top of Base Stats which doesn't include bonuses from any amenities

Replenishing Nerve: 10% of your nerve is replenished every 5 minutes (20% for Respected Prisoners). You may also replenish nerve with various Items.

Stamina (STM)

Your stats are limited by your stamina. You are at your best when your stamina is at 100%.

For example, if you have 1,000 strength, but are only at 50% stamina, then you effectively only have 500 strength when it comes time to battle or do any other action. Keep your stamina in mind when you go to do actions!

Stamina decreases with every hit you do in battle.

You can raise your stamina by leveling up or by placing certain items in your cell. When using amenities to increase your Stamina and when working with percentages, it is always on top of Base Stats which doesn't include bonuses from any amenities

Replenishing Stamina: 10% of your stamina is replenished every 5 minutes (20% for Respected Prisoners). You may also replenish stamina with various Items.

Experience Points (EXP)

You must earn experience in order to level up. You earn experience by successfully doing crimes, battles and training at gym. Each time you level up, you will need more experience to reach the next level.

Your Experience is usually shown as a %, to see your actual experience and total you need, hover your mouse over the experience bar.

Note: You can LOSE experience if you attack someone and lose the battle!


Your stats are mainly relevant in battles and they can be increased by training in the gym, donning equipment and by leveling up.


Your strength is one of the most important stats to watch in a battle. The more strength you have, the more damage you will do to your opponent with each hit.

You can increase strength by leveling up, training in the gym, and by equipping a weapon.


In a battle, your defense helps deflect attacks from your opponent. The higher your defense (relative to your opponent's strength), the less damage their attacks will do.

You can increase your defense by leveling up, training in the gym, and by wearing armor.


In a battle, your speed determines who goes first and how many times you can attack before the opponent can attack. For example, if your speed is 1,000 and your opponent's speed is 500, you will attack two times for every 1 attack they do.

Your speed is also useful when doing crimes and mugging among other things.

You can increase your speed by leveling up, training in the gym, and by wearing lightweight armor and using light, quick weapons.


You may customize your avatar by visiting the plastic surgeon